I've always wanted to try eyelash extensions because of the look, as well as seemed easier to maintain than mascara and curling my eyelashes. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into as well as how much I would love and hate it. If you're thinking about getting eyelash extensions keep reading this post to see if this is a good investment for you. Hello everyone, I have decided to review this trend as well as my personal experience with it. Obviously I'm not a medical doctor, cosmetologist, or lash expert. So your experience could be different from mine.
If you're thinking about getting eyelash extensions, think about your habits with your eyes as well as products you use. When researching about this trend, If you use oil based products you need to put them in the drawer for now. This is because oil can go on the lashes and create the adhesive glue on the lashes get weaker. Another factor to consider is habits. This might seem strange but if you have anxiety (like myself), I tend to pick my nail polish off or pick at my face, or even bite my nails. So, when I had eyelash extensions I was catching myself pulling the lashes out. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO PULL THESE BABIES OUT! It can be extremely harmful to hair follicles and can create damage. But everything is fine lol. Anyways, factors like this can be important when thinking of making an investment.
Another important factor is $$$
Eyelash extensions are an investment, as well as can range from 100-300 dollars for the first session, and refills can be 30-150 dollars. Refills for lashes can be every 2-3 weeks or extended to a month with extensive care. Im a senior in college so this lifestyle isn't realistic for my budget. However, I truly did love the look it gave me, I felt like my eyes were bigger and brighter!
The Aftermath
I loved the look of the lashes but the maintenance was too high to maintain as well as my habits didn't allow the lashes for full potential. I have attached some pictures of me with the lash extensions.I am now trying to nourish and regrow my lashes to have my old healthy girlies back on my eyes.
Overall Review: 6/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Make sure to research as well as see what is the best option for you. There are many different type of shapes as well as volumes to choose from. This experience was something I'm glad I tried but will be taking a break from this trend.